Author: admin

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 2

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 2

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 2
4.25 (84.96%) 121 votes

An Indian husband sharing his desi wife with his neighbour and in turn she becomes his mistress. This is a sexy story of a woman being shared by two men equally.

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 1

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 1

Indian Wife Becomes a Mistress – part 1
3.87 (77.44%) 180 votes

An Indian husband sharing his desi wife with his neighbour and in turn she becomes his mistress. This is a sexy story of a woman being shared by two men equally.

Ravaged by my Hot Servant

Ravaged by my Hot Servant

Ravaged by my Hot Servant
3.9 (77.99%) 159 votes

The story of Sunita, a beautiful girl taken and fucked in every way possibly by her hot servant with a massive cock.

Indian Wife Blossoms – part 2

Indian Wife Blossoms – part 2

Indian Wife Blossoms – part 2
4.05 (80.95%) 63 votes

A newlywed young Indian woman is taken at a beach resort – part 2

Indian Wife Blossoms – Part 1

Indian Wife Blossoms – Part 1

Indian Wife Blossoms – Part 1
3.85 (76.97%) 66 votes

A newlywed young Indian woman is taken at a beach resort – part 1

গৃহবধূর চোদন কাহিনী – যৌবন জ্বালায় দন্ধ গৃহবধূ

গৃহবধূর চোদন কাহিনী – যৌবন জ্বালায় দন্ধ গৃহবধূ

গৃহবধূর চোদন কাহিনী – যৌবন জ্বালায় দন্ধ গৃহবধূ
3.37 (67.32%) 224 votes

যৌবন জ্বালায় দন্ধ গৃহবধূর চোদন কাহিনী । স্বামীর অনুপস্থিতি ও খামতি মেটানোর তাগিদে অতৃপ্ত গুদের আগুন নেভানোর জন্য বান্ধবীর স্বামীর সাথে অবৈধ চোদাচুদির গল্প।

গৃহবধূ থেকে বেশ্যা

গৃহবধূ থেকে বেশ্যা

গৃহবধূ থেকে বেশ্যা
3.47 (69.41%) 185 votes

নিজের চাইতে বয়সে ছোট অন্য বাড়ির কাজের ছেলের সাথে নির্লজ্জ কামুক খেলায় মেতে ওঠার গল্প. এক রাতের ভুলের জন্য গৃহবধূ থেকে বেশ্যাতে পরিনত হওয়ার বাংলা চটি গল্প

অচেনা পুরুষের চোদন খাওয়া

অচেনা পুরুষের চোদন খাওয়া

অচেনা পুরুষের চোদন খাওয়া
3.64 (72.81%) 253 votes

আমার নাম রোকসানা, আমি ২৭ বছর বয়সী একজন গৃহিনী. আমার বাড়ি নোয়াখালী জেলায়. আপনারা জানেন আমি বিবাহিত. আমার স্বামী দেশের বাহিরে থাকে. আমি শ্যম বর্ণের চোদনখোর, কাম পাগল একটি মেয়ে. আমার বুক- ৩৬ কোমর- ৩০ পাছা – ৩৮.

What Wifey Wanted

What Wifey Wanted

What Wifey Wanted
4.04 (80.81%) 74 votes

My sex life mostly consists of sucking Rahul off on a Sunday morning. We do fool around a little first. We kiss and Rahul feels up my boobies a little and fingers me a bit, but it always end up with me sucking him off. That’s what he wants and I thought that, as his wife, it was my duty to fulfil his desires. My own desires didn’t come into it because for lots of years I literally didn’t have any.

Indian Girl’s Sex Dilemma

Indian Girl’s Sex Dilemma

Indian Girl’s Sex Dilemma
3.63 (72.53%) 83 votes

Vaishali is an average Indian girl living in a big city.

As she gets transferred for a new job, she meets a new colleague named Shoeib.

This story will give you immense and sublime sexual enjoyment when you listen to the experiences from Vaishali’s own tongue.

Be prepared to be dazzled.

Delhi Girl Sharing First Sex Experience

Delhi Girl Sharing First Sex Experience

Delhi Girl Sharing First Sex Experience
3.66 (73.21%) 156 votes

Listen to this story from start to end about how a 19 year old girl’s sexual life became filled with enormous joy and pleasure. This by the sudden and unexpected encounter with her friend’s brother. This story will definitely create sensational feelings inside while listening.

Lesbian phone sex

Lesbian phone sex

Lesbian phone sex
3.84 (76.73%) 563 votes
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